Valentine’s Day Chocolate Peanut Butter Spread


Looking to make a simple treat for Valentine’s Day? Or just like peanut butter and chocolate? Make this super simple Chocolate Peanut Butter Spread using 3 ingredients.


-2 cups salted peanuts

-1 Tbsp cacao

-1.5 Tbsp maple syrup


1. Add ingredients to food processor or high speed blender and mix for about 10 minutes.

2. Ok to add a splash of water or avocado oil to smooth it out.

FYI all ingredients are low FODMAP and gluten-free. And here a few ways to enjoy it:

1. In your oatmeal

2. By the spoonful

3. As a topping for your @beckonicecream

4. As a dip for fruit   

5. Sandwiched between some Girl Scout Cookies  

Are you making any sweets for V-Day? Tell me about it! 

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